All downloads on this blog are for The Sims 2 and sometimes The Sims 4 only. They will not work with The Sims 3.
If you would like to convert them for either Sims 3 or Sims 4 then please feel free to do so. All I ask is that no TSR or Adfly be used with them and for you to send me a link so I can enjoy them too :)

-I am trying to add links to any Sims 3 conversions that I know of. If there isn't one linked at the top of the original post then either there isn't one or I haven't seen the conversion yet. If you know of some then please let me know :)-

Some Downloads were removed by Mediafire and I have contacted them. If you run into something you want that is gone let me know and I will upload it somewhere else. Everything should be back ASAP.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Released Gifts - CBS French Themed Weeks

Here is another released gift, this time from Cherry Blossoms French Themed Weeks. I hope you like them :)

C'est La Vie - 20 French themed BV Painting RCs (on Buggy's Frames).

CoolSims 51 Alpha Edited and Pooklet'd

I also want to add a little update on the bath deco set I am working on. I have been trying to make a towel/rag that is hanging on a hook but I am having some difficulties. Once I finally get this part done then I will be ready to upload so please hang in there with me :)

Sponsered Links:


  1. Ohh, j'aime les cheveux! Hmm, I don't think I've seen that mesh before - it's cute! And the paintings are very pretty, too. :)

    BTW, where does that adorable little bookshelf come from? Is it from CBS as well? (I really need to start checking that forum more frequently...)

  2. I believe the bookshelf is by HugeLunatic over at Sims2Artist part of her IKEA add-ons.

    CBS has been quiet lately since a lot of members are on vacation but we expect it to pick up soon.

  3. *runs over to check* Indeed, you're right! :D See, there's another forum I need to visit more frequently. I'm horribly bad with forums; I sign up and then I forget to ever sign in again. (Or to reactivate my registration, as the case might be.)

    And quiet is good, then I have a chance to catch up before the place gets flooded with new stuff. ;)

  4. I don't visit it as much as I should either. I usually forget the names of forums and forget to book mark them then many months down the road I stumble across them again and kill my downloads folder :P

    Quiet is great but I am happy people are starting to upload again. I am always happy to get new shinies for my game!

  5. Hee, glad to hear it's just not me. :)

    And new shinies are definitely shiny, no argument there. Well, not from me, anyway, but I can hear my Downloads folder thinking hateful thoughts. ;)

  6. I hear mine groan with every new item I throw in there. :)

  7. I took a look and it sure was. I have re-uploaded it to my box account and you can grab it here:


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